Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 7, 2016

Chengdu Travel Guide

Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province, which is known as the "Heavenly State" (Tian Fu Zhi Guo). Being the natural habitat of cute giant pandas, it is located in the west of Sichuan Basin and in the center of Chengdu Plain. It covers a total area of 12.3 thousand square kilometres (4,749 square miles) with a population of over 11 million.

Benefiting from Dujiangyan Irrigation Project which was constructed in 256 B.C., Sichuan Province is reputed as "Tian Fu Zhi Guo", literally a place richly endowed with natural resources. Chengdu, as the capital, is extremely productive. The Min and Tuo Rivers, two branches of the Yangtze River, connected to forty other rivers, supply an irrigation area of more than 700 square kilometres (270.27 square miles) with 150-180 million kilowatts of water. Consisting of abundant mineral resources, the land is extremely fertile.

 Passport holders of 51 countries including the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Russia, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Japan, etc. can enjoy 72 hours free transit via Shuangliu Airport.
Read details about 72-Hour Visa-Free Transit.

As the transport hub in southwest hinterland of China and the main access city to Tibet, Chengdu is easily approached thanks to its air routes and railways extending nationwide. The city bus and subway continue to develop, providing the locals and the tourists with great convenience.
Traveling or living in Chengdu can be a great fun. Besides the amazing places of interest, the city offers a lot inviting activities for visitors and expats. Sampling the famous Sichuan food is a must here. The hot and spicy dishes and varied tasty snacks are sure to whip up your appetite. Go shopping at the Chunxi Road, spend a leisurely afternoon in a teahouse, and watch a Sichuan Opera performance at night – this would be a perfect day giving you a deeper understanding of this charming city.
History & Culture
The history of the city can be traced back 2,400 when the first emperor built his capital here and named the city. Through thousands of years its original name has been kept and its position as the capital and as the significant center of politics, commerce and military of the Sichuan area (once called Shu) has remained unchanged. Since the Han (206B.C.-220) and Tang (618-907) Dynasties when its handicraft industry flourished, the place has been famous for its brocades and embroideries. Shu embroideries still enjoy a high reputation for their bright colors and delicate designs, ranking among the four main embroideries in China. The city was also the place where the bronze culture, an indispensable part of ancient Chinese culture, originated; the place where the Southern Silk Road started; and the place where the earliest paper currency, Jiaozi (not the dumpling!), was first printed. It is listed among the first 24 state-approved historical and cultural cities and owns 23 state and provincial cultural relic units.

Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 7, 2016

11 great things that you love 'crazy' Philippines ( Part 2)

If travelers want to search to the untouched nature, white sand beaches with blue as sapphires, Philippiens is top choice for cruise travel. And  Philippines is  also the place to experience the interaction of two cultures of indigenous and Spanish culture through these structures.
Let's wer reveal secrets about 11 great things that you love 'crazy' Philippines.

6.  The charming beauty of the Chocolate hills

Chocolate hills
Located in Bohol, Chocolate Hills is one of the masterpieces of full of surprises. With more than 1,000 conical ridged hills spread over an area of 50 km2, this scene is really the perfect Visual prompting for tourists is associated to a giant chocolate party. Although scientists have explained that the chocolate Hills is the result of a major change in geology from a large coral reefs, you're still not out of impressed by the exciting nature of this work.

7. San Agustin church, Manila

San Augustin church
If visitors to Manila without a visit to the Church of San Agustin, then watch as your trip will not be complete. Was built in 1589, this beautiful church still exist after undergoing seven earthquake and fires in two centuries and has now become the oldest stone church in the Philippines. Featured San Agustinwith main entrance with the delicate carved details on the wooden door. The inner design was influenced by the style of Mexico, the ceiling is the absolute highlight with paintings drawn from the year 1800 by the Italian artist, Giovanni Dibella and Cesare Alberoni.

8. Tubbataha Reef

Tubbataha Reef
Located on Palawan, Sulu sea of Philippines, the Tubbataha Reef famous Marine Parks is known to be a protected area of the marine species are very diverse. The reef is on the submarine volcano went off with a pristine reef 100 m long, vertical wall as flimsy. The Tubbataha Park is also renowned as one of the most beautiful diving locations in the world.

9. Puerto Princesa Subterranean river national park 

Puerto Princesa
Puerto Princesa subterranean River National Park is UNESCO World Heritage site in 1999, is where biodiversity conservation biology of the mountain-the most important sea of Philippines. The most special thing of it is the spectacular karst landscape, long underground river system and vast caverns. The underground river originates in the mountains of St. Paul, at a height of 100 m, the underground flowing 8.2 km before emptying into the sea.

10. Mayon Volcano

Mayon Volcano
The higher the 2,400 m above sea level, mount Mayon volcano cone shape with perfect symmetry. This area attracts numerous tourists to visit and enjoy a number of activities such as camping, climbing, hiking, watching the birds and the amazing scenery to bringing photographers.

11. Lake on Pinatubo Crater

Pinatubo Crater
In 1991, the peaceful volcano Pinatubo awake after hundreds of years sleep in the peaceful, friendly casing. In the process of gradual volcano cools, Lake Pinatubo was conceived. The Lake is located in the crater of Pinatubo is located in the province of Zambales in Northwest Philippines, now is a very popular tourist destination in the Chagos Islands.
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Famous tourist destinations in China

China's vast country has thousands of beautiful landscapes. Likely, you will feel anxiety to find places to explore while Chinese tourists. So here are the beautiful landscapes of the country of China you can choose the focal point of your trip. we give informations about famous tourist destinations in China for you.

1. Great Wall

Great wall in China
The Great Wall is one of the natural wonders of the world, it is recognized as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage in 1987. Like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall through the desert plated, pasture plateau and lasts 8851.8 m from east to west China. It was built in 2000 and consolidated over the years, today some sections have disappeared, but the Great Wall is still the most attractive tourist destination, and is consistently listed as one of the attractions of the once Chinese tourism.

2.Guoliang Village in the Taihang Mountains, Henan

Taihang Mountains Guoliang Village is located in Henan Province. Built in the late Western Han Dynasty named farmer leaders Guoliang. The village is a world of stone: stone houses, stone walls, stone tables, benches and stone beds. The village is famous for Guoliang Tunnel.
Guoliang in China
Carve a path through the rock, and the only way to the village to contact the outside world. Guoliang village now has become a tourist attraction of China by spectacular scenery unique in the world and houses the most unique stone.

3. Xianglu Temple, Shaanxi

Xianglu in China
This temple is located along the banks of the Yellow River is located in Shanxi province, is supported by a stone wall higher than 20m. Was built during the Ming Dynasty around 1614, this project was indeed a unique and exotic. Standing at Xianglu Temple at sunset you can see the corona shines on the Yellow River.

4. Red Beach in Panjin, Liaoning

Red beach in China
Red Beach is located in the Liaohe River delta, from Panjin City of China 30 km, stunning with rare marsh sea grass. Weeds start to grow and develop rapidly from April or May and remains green throughout the summer like any other normal grass. But when they entered the autumn of this new weed species transformed into a distinctive red color, making a glowing waters, like being put on the red carpet indefinitely, create a strikingly beautiful landscape and rare.

5. Zhuge Bagua Village, Zhejiang

Zhuge Bagua Village in China
The village was designed by Zhuge Liang, a political, strategic, talented diplomats, prominent Chinese under the 3 kings (184-280 BC). In late 1996, the village has a unique recognized as cultural relics, national history by uniqueness and old houses are preserved almost intact.

6. Mount Huangshan, Anhui

Huangshan in China
Huangshan Mountains famous for beautiful scenery situated on the cliffs, granite peaks unusual shape in the pine forests of Huangshan scenery changes with the seasons and covered with clouds. This area also has hot springs and natural water pools. Huangshan always subject to ink painting and Chinese literature.
Huangshan is a world heritage site by UNESCO and is one of the attractive tourist destinations in China.

7. Mount Wuyi, Fujian

Wuyi mountain in China
Wuyi Mountains situated on the city of Wuyishan, Fujian Province for 15km south China. This mountain range is known as the most beautiful mountains of Southeast China, "Fujian First painting", 1999 parts of Fujian Mountains are listed as UNESCO World Natural Heritage and World Cultural Heritage great.

8. Crescent between the Gobi Desert, Dunhuang

Famous Gobi desert by the harsh world,is one of the areas "hard life" on the planet. Tall dunes, desert storms and banditry victims legendary horror occur constantly, killing of so many traders when crossing here. It became an obsession with many big and not too many people think this place suitable for life. Yet there was a lake "crescent" and paradise "fall" down the Gobi desert and became one of the most amazing islands on Earth.
Dunhuang in China
City outskirts way Dunhuang approximately 6km, crescent lake oasis located between the Gobi desert, like a soft silk dissipate the extreme heat of the harsh land of western China Origin.

9. Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi

Lushan aka Lo Son is a mountain range located south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China, near Poyang Lake. Lushan has 99 mountains, including the highest peak Hanyang University with 1,474 meters high above sea level.
Lushan in China
This is the place to be Chinese tourists preferred. This area is very beautiful landscape with mountain peaks, valleys, canyons, gorges, rock formations, caves, and waterfalls. This area also has a number of Taoist temples, Buddhist temples, as well as many monuments Confucianism . In 1996, Lushan National Park is a UNESCO world cultural heritage..

10. Cave Benxi, Liaoning

Colorful stalactites, cave Benxi water formed from more than 5 million years ago. The cave is divided into 2 parts, the dry cave and cave flooded section. However; the total length of the cave, it only allows tourists to visit the 300-meter dry cave and cave submerged part is only 2.8 km away by boat. However, where you are allowed to pass through the stone blocks rims, wine, red is a truly impressive scenery.
Benxi cave in China
The average temperature in the cave is stable at 10oC usually so visitors are recommended to wear warm enough to travel to the grotto.

11. Potala Palace, Tibet

Once to the Potala Palace, watching the magnificent beauty here you will understand why the Potala Palace was voted as one of the new seven world wonders.
Potala in China
Potala Palace began to be built in 1645 the period 5th Dalai Lama and it took over 50 years to scale formation works today. According to Sanskrit, Potala means "shrine of Buddha", the Potala was built on Mount Mabuge (Red Mountain), with an elevation of more than 91 meters to the city of Lhasa. Therefore from any direction a few kilometers away guests can admire the majesty of this work.
Wish you have a fun vacation in China !

India is one of the tourist paradises in Asia

Perhaps, when mentioned to India, you will imagine the temple and the pagoda by religious background and beliefs. Not only that, India also is a tourist paradise with many wonders of the world famous and beautiful beaches. We suggests for you 10 tourist destinations in India can not be missed, if the chance of visit this places when to India!

1. Lakshadweep Islands

Lakshadweep islands
10 tourist destinations in India can not be missed, we must first mention the Lakshadweep islands are surrounded by beautiful beaches with white sands, blue water will be "paradise" for vacation of you. Especially the Maldives is famous around the world as well as one of the "island”of theLakshadweep islands.

2. Ancient city of Varanasi

Ancient city of Varanasi
Banaras or Varanasi is the Holy City of India and is one of the oldest cities in South Asia, at the same time it also was recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site. All the way, crannies leading to the Ganges all through the long ladder.
Early in the morning, visitors can see works of baptism and prayer of the people; also in the evening, Ben rivers became a monumental stage performed the ritual traditions of India.

3. Lake in Ladakh

Lake in Ladakh
The Chain of lakes in Ladakh is situated at a height of 4350m is famous for water color blue is also an attractive destination to attract tourists. Special points for the blue color of the Lake is change the time of day, and this is also the Habitat of the species of fish as well as green vegetation cover along the Lake.

4. Kanha National Park

Kanha national park
Kanha National Park is a Museum in the wildlife reserves, the largest and most beautiful Asian. Here you can comfortably observe the lives of the Bengal tiger-the national symbol of India.

5. Canals of Kerala Backwaters

Canals of Kerala Backwaters
Kerela in Arabian coast and was dubbed the "God's country", stretches over 900 km backwaters surrounding towns and cities. For the people of Kerela is water and the water of life that make up culture, the local's own identity.
If you wish to visit Kerela, you'll be going around the canals Division and enjoy life in your own aquatic.

6. Temple in Bhubaneswar

temple in Bhubaneswar
The city of Bhubaneshwar temple is considered one of the holiest places in India with over 600 temples surrounded. If you are a Hindu or you want to look to the purity of the temple, try toBhubaneshwar and contemplate.

7. Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal
Located in the city of Agra, Taj Mahal is seen as a symbol of India and is one of the seven wonders of the world-famous artificial.
Coming to the Taj Mahal, you will see firsthand the unique architecture, exquisite carvings of marble, mix styles of the West and the Muslim fortress or castle Agra Fatehpur Sikri

8. Goa Beach

Goa beach
Blessed for India's smallest city beaches extremely great. Experience in Goa, guests will be lying sun on white sand beaches, and participate in water sports such as windsurfing attractive, fishing, kayaking, ...

9. Darjeeling Tea Gardens

Darjeeling tea gardens
Darjeeling tea gardens are not only famous for delicious tea specialties which itself also creates a striking landmark to attract tourists to visit. The endless stretches of tea cultivation opportunity for you climbing or walking up a hill watching the natural scenery is extremely impressive.

10. Lake in Sikkim Tsomgo tape

Lake in sikkim tsomgo tape
Located at an altitude of 3.675m, Tsomgo glacial lake is a natural masterpiece that "sculpt" the Himalayas. Walking on ice activities are worthwhile experience for those who love adventure when visiting the city of Sikkim.
For those who love adventure, to Tsomgo glacial lake is a pleasant experience, the most memorable of the 10 tourist destinations in India can not be missed.
We wish you have a fun and happy vacation while traveling to India!!!